The Mediator

Silke Buss, PhD

Silke Buss is a Conflict Mediator recognised by the Portuguese Ministry of Justice. The German-Portuguese communications consultant was approved by the General-Directorate of Justice Policy (DGPJ) in 2018 through an exam on Mediation based on Portuguese law. Silke Buss acquired her skills on a four-term course (12 months) at the University of Koblenz (Germany) in 2014/2015.

Each Mediator has his/ her own style. How is Silke Buss different?

Experience and skills in communication
Silke Buss has been managing BUSS Comunicação | Coaching | Marketing since 2001. She has a degree in journalism and political sciences and a PhD in Media and Theatre Sciences.

Awareness, guidance and pragmatism towards the parties
In Mediation Silke Buss creates and assures an environment of confidence, confidentiality and equality, one that is impartial and neutral.

Dedication, commitment and leadership 
Silke Buss encourages, inspires and motivates while guiding clients through the five phases of Mediation with awareness and responsibility. She is completely confident that the parties will be able to reach an agreement.

Intercultural Portuguese-German skills, mastery of English and international experience 
Silke Buss conducts Mediation in three languages: Portuguese, German and English.

Silke Buss is a member of the Mediation Association In-Mediation and represents Portugal in this international network.